Located at the Fairmont in Chicago this project is a seamless
collaboration on the part of Opal Glass Studios, Chicago Glass Works
and Orb Enterprises. Guided by the over arching interior design of Marv
Cooper, the artisans interpreted his concept into this sophisticated,
richly colored dividing screen. Eric Bladholm of Chicago Glass Works
began by hand- blowing a family of color related roundels with Venetian
swirls and subtle iridescent surfaces.
Sharon Bladholm; of Opal Glass
then designed the stained glass sectionals and chose complementary
glass tones and textures for fabricating the final pieces. Doug
Korslund of Orb Enterprises designed and created the stainless steel
risers that integrate and support the 5 individual circular panels.
Eric’s shimmering, iridescent blown glass roundels were
leaded into five elegant round stained glass panels that fit into
Doug’s handcrafted steel supports.